Bank of WeBWorK Problems for Multivariable Calculus
VanDieren, Monica and Morris, Robert
Type de ressource d'apprentissage:
iveau d'éducation:
Community college / Lower division
La discipline:
Math - Calculus
La description:
"The content is a bank of WeBWorK homework, test, and discovery-based exploration problems for multivariable calculus to supplement those that are in the Active Calculus OER textbook. These problems focus on multivariable calculus content areas not well represented in the WeBWorK Open Problem Library (OPL) such as applications to computer graphics, machine learning, quantum computing, and solar energy as well as conceptual problems involving CalcPlot3D interactive graphs. The problems cover all the learning objectives of a standard multivariable calculus course up to but not including vector calculus.
Table of contents:
"These problems are grouped by topic:
Braess Paradox Project
Computer Graphics Applications
Lagrange Multiples Exploration
Line Integrals Problems and Applications
Multivariable Differentiation Problems and Applications
Parametric Curves Problems
TNB Problems
Vectors Problems and Applications
Word Problems